Take Action

In the picturesque landscapes of Kent, nestled in the heart of Thanet, lies the exquisite Minster Marshes—a haven for wildlife that requires our urgent attention. As we witness the delicate balance of nature teetering on the edge, it becomes imperative to join hands and Save Minster Marshes from the encroaching threats.

The rich biodiversity of Minster Marshes is a testament to its ecological significance. It's not just a marsh; it's a sanctuary for diverse flora and fauna, including rare and endangered species. From vibrant birdlife to elusive aquatic creatures, every inhabitant plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological equilibrium. Saving Minster Marshes isn't just an environmental obligation; it's a promise to safeguard the delicate web of life that calls this pristine landscape home.

We are urging everyone—from residents to businesses—to actively participate in the preservation efforts. Community engagement becomes the driving force, turning Minster Marshes into a shared commitment to protect our natural heritage.

The call to action is clear. Through awareness, responsible practices, and collaborative efforts, we can ensure that the enchanting beauty of Minster Marshes endures. It's a collective responsibility to weave a narrative of coexistence, where progress and preservation go hand in hand. So, let's stand united, inspired by the spirit of safeguarding not just Minster Marshes but the very essence of our interconnected relationship with the natural world.

We’ve updated our consultation guidance again!

If you haven’t yet completed your consultation feedback form, our handy guide will help remind you of all the reasons why National Grid must think again when giving them your feedback.

Please sign our petitions.